Staying Safe this Holiday Seasons | Wichita Auto Accident Attorney

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    Tips for Staying Safe this Holiday Seasons


    Whatever your celebration of choice, the winter holidays are a wonderful time to connect with family and friends, give to others, enjoy warm and delicious food, and express gratitude. As you make memories this holiday season, be sure to watch out for some accident and injury types that are common during the holiday season. Here are some tips for staying safe

    Caution Against Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen

    Cooking a large meal is a huge holiday tradition for many families in Kansas. And while there is nothing better than sitting down to a table of home cooked food with loved ones, remember that cooking can be a dangerous affair. Focus on safety in the kitchen by:

    • Carefully handling foods – like a turkey – that are cooked in hot oil. Hot oil can easily splash, causing burn injuries.
    • Supervise all children in the kitchen who want to help with meal preparation. Never let children handle knives or hot pots and pans.
    • Double check to ensure that the stove and oven are turned off before you go to bed or leave the house.
    • Clean up spills immediately. An uncleaned spill can lead to a slip and fall accident.

    Shop Smartly

    Smart shopping does not just mean looking for a steal of a deal; smart shopping means being safe. Every year during the holiday season, there are shopping-related injuries and accidents, ranging from stampedes to assaults to slip and falls. Try to avoid shopping in large crowds, avoid confrontations with other shoppers, and consider shopping online instead.

    Beware of Ice and Snow

    There is nothing better than a white winter, but snow – while beautiful to gaze at – can create a hazards for walkers and drivers in Kansas. Safety tips when driving include making sure that you have working windshield wipers, snow tires or chains when appropriate, plenty of gas, a heating system that works, and brakes that are up to the task. Be patient when driving, slow down, and provide other drivers with plenty of room.

    If you are walking outside, including just crossing a parking lot, be sure to wear appropriate footwear for the weather. Try to avoid carrying too much, as this can offset your balance and increase the risk of a fall if you do slip on ice.

    Know Who to Call

    From the experienced Kansas auto accident lawyers at the Wall Huntington Law Firm, we hope that you have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. If something does happen to you or a family member this year, please contact us for a free case consultation to discuss your accident in person and learn about your options moving forward. Call us today 316-265-6000.