Rollovers Accidents | Auto Accident Lawyer Wichita | Kansas Personal Injury Attorney

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    Rollovers Accidents

    Are SUV’s And Pick-Up Trucks The Most Likely To Roll Over?

    “Rollovers accounted for nearly 35% of all deaths from passenger vehicle crashes. In 2010 alone, more than 7,600 people died in rollover crashes. The majority of them (69%) were not wearing safety belts.” according to

    How Common Are Rollovers Accidents?

    Rollovers are rare, but they are the most deadly of accidents and are sometimes preventable. Any vehicle can roll over, however, the biggest culprits tend to be tall and narrow vehicles such as lightweight pickups, vans, and SUVs. The lower center of gravity makes it easy for these types of vehicles to rollover from being off the roadway or from being tripped.

    Semi-truck rolled over

    Safety Tips

    • Wear your seatbelt. You are 75% less likely to die in a rollover if wearing your seatbelt.
    • Ensure proper car seat safety for your baby and children. Car seat and booster laws are often updated. Having the proper seat for your child’s height and weight could prevent serious injury and even death.
    • Respect the speed limit. Many rollovers can occur just from people going too fast and not being able to react properly to the situation, such as swerving to avoid something in the middle of the road and veering off the side.
    • Don’t drink and drive. Sadly, nearly half of all rollovers involve alcohol use. Have a designated driver or call a taxi and practice safe alcohol use.
    • Caution on rural roads. Almost ¾ of all fatal rollovers occur on rural roads where the speed limit was 55mph or higher.
    • Proper carrying weight. Because of the lower center of gravity of these vehicles, adhering to the proper weight is extremely important.
    • Void aftermarket wheel and tire “upgrades.” Many owners now want to upgrade their vehicles with bigger or cooler wheels. However, these “upgrades” are often done without adhering to proper safety. The best option is to stick with what the manufacturer offers.
    • Don’t give an SUV to your teen or young adult. When car shopping for your teen or young adult, it may be a better idea to avoid SUVs, light weight trucks, and vans due to their inexperience in driving.

    Your Personal Injury Lawyer

    At Wall Huntington, we have over 50 years of experience in pursuing compensation for clients who were injured in car accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, give us a call for a free consultation at 316-265-6000 or contact us online. We look forward to assisting you with your case.