Forty Seven Kansas Nursing Homes Are Reported to Be Dangerous
Out If Your Loved One Is At Risk
There are a large number of dangerous nursing homes in Kansas. If you want to see if your loved one is living in one of the facilities cited for repeated deficiencies call us or click here to view the Kansas Department of Aging’s report. Alarmingly, 47 of the 66 facilities listed were cited with deficiencies that represented actual harm of adult residents, immediate jeopardy of a resident, and/or mistreatment of a resident during their most recent inspection survey.
Why Are So Many Nursing Homes Dangerous?
One reason is that Kansas does not require facilities to actually regularly care for your loved ones. Kansas laws and regulations only require that the resident be seen 2.5 hours out of a 24-hour day. The concerns are real. On November 19, 2013, Oklahoma became only the third state in the nation to permit residents in long-term care facilities to use surveillance cameras in their rooms. Kansas has never enacted a similar law.
Don’t worry. You can still protect your loved one. One option is to install a “Granny Cam” like was done in Andover, Kansas. See the full story here. Additionally, for free information about long-term care choices, you can contact Kansas Advocates for Better Care (KABC) at 1-800-525-1782, or visit their website at Wall Huntington are proud members of KABC and support their work and advocacy.
Free Nursing Home Elder Abuse Lawsuit Evaluation
Making the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult one. When you do select a home, you trust that your family member will be cared for in a safe and loving environment. Sometimes that trust is broken. If your family member or other loved one has been the victim of elder abuse in a nursing home, call a skilled nursing home lawyer today at 316-265-6000, or contact us online. Our lawyers are ready to assist you. The no fee promise is always part of our service. And remember with Wall Huntington you always receive the dedicated advocacy of two lawyers for the cost of one.