How Long Does a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Take - What to Expect

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    How Long Does a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Take?

    Wrongful death cases are typically more complex than other personal injury cases. Hiring the right Wichita Kansas wrongful death attorney will help you make sense of one after filing.

    Still, you might struggle to come up with a definitive answer to the question, “How long does a wrongful death lawsuit take?” even with an experienced lawyer on your side. It varies, as they take anywhere from several months to years.

    A few key factors will impact the length of your litigation. Consider them as you seek to determine how much time you will have to spend navigating your way through the legal process.

    The Complexity of a Case Might Cause It To Drag Out

    Case complexity is one of the first factors that will affect the time a wrongful death lawsuit takes. For example, if your loved one was killed during an auto accident involving multiple parties all trying to pin blame on others, it will complicate matters considerably.

    If, on the other hand, your loved one was killed in a two-car crash by a drunk driver, it might make everything from the discovery process to the trial proceedings quicker than usual. It all depends on how complex your case is.

    Settlement Negotiations May Speed Up a Case or Slow It Down

    Many civil lawsuits don’t end up in courtrooms. They’re often settled long before they reach that point, which is another factor that will help answer the question, “How long does a wrongful death lawsuit take?”

    If the lawyer you bring on board to provide legal representation is a master negotiator and feels like they have the upper hand during settlement negotiations, it could speed up the legal process. You may agree to a settlement with a defendant quickly.

    At the same time, settlement negotiations could slow down your case if you and the defendant are miles apart during them. Even with an attorney possessing excellent negotiation skills, you might still find it impossible to reach an agreement. This will inevitably lead to your legal proceedings slowing down to a crawl until it’s time to take it to trial.

    Court Scheduling Could Play a Part in the Length of a Case

    Something as simple as court scheduling could affect the length of your lawsuit. If many other cases are on the docket, you might have to wait for a judge or jury to hear yours.

    The appeals process could also take longer than anticipated due to court scheduling issues. Your attorney will provide insight on how busy the courts are leading up to your trial and any appeals that might take place.

    Contact Us for the Reliable Legal Assistance You Need

    There’s no cut-and-dry answer to the question, “How long does a wrongful death lawsuit take?” It might end before it even begins if the defendant in your case is motivated to settle. It may also last for years if any complications arise.

    Let Larry Wall Trial Law handle filing your wrongful death lawsuit and guide you through the litigation process. Call us at 316-265-6000 for a free evaluation.