Whatever your celebration of choice, the winter holidays are a wonderful time to connect with family and friends, give to others, enjoy warm and delicious food, and express gratitude. As you make memories this holiday season, be sure to watch out for some accident and injury types that are common during the holiday season. Here Read More
What Is a Statute of Limitations? The “game clock” for a lawsuit starts running on the date and time of the accident. A statute of limitations is the time limit on the amount of time you have to bring forth a lawsuit after suffering an injury. According to Kansas Statute Section 60-513, a civil action Read More
After you’re in a car accident, one of the first questions is, “Who will pay for this?” If another person was at fault for the accident, the injured party may automatically assume that the at-fault person will be responsible for paying for damages. However, because Kansas is a no-fault car insurance state, the law requires Read More
All of us want to believe our insurance company is on our side, it can be a rude awakening to find out they may not be. Though not all insurance companies are malicious, make no mistake that they are all driven by profit, not customer satisfaction. One of the serious issues that can arise due Read More
When a person is involved in a car accident and suffers injuries that are severe enough to keep them from working, the person may start to wonder how else they may receive much-needed income. If the accident was caused by another person, seeking compensation through the other person’s insurance company or through a personal injury Read More
Having auto insurance can be reassuring, and is also a requirement under the law for those operating vehicles on streets and highways in Kansas. Failure to have the required auto insurance can lead to a suspension or revocation of a driver’s license, fines, and even jail time. Despite these penalties, there are many drivers who Read More
An accident with an eighteen-wheeler can result in serious injuries or death. Eighteen-wheelers and semi-trucks take longer to stop and maneuver than smaller cars, and therefore, there often isn’t enough time to stop an accident when something goes wrong. Studies have shown that in addition to bad weather conditions, one of the leading causes of Read More
Carpooling can be a great way to save money and have some company on the way to work, or on longer trips. However, carpooling can also bring with it concerns about what would happen if there were to be a car accident. Indeed, if you routinely drive your coworkers to work in your car, you Read More
Given the fact that car values significantly decrease after they are driven off the car lot it is not uncommon for people to be “upside down” on their car loans. This becomes a major problem in the event that the car is involved in an accident that causes the insurance company to declare it a Read More
Text messaging has become an epidemic. Everyday states around the country are finding it necessary to pass laws to prevent drivers from texting while behind the wheel of an automobile. In a recent study it was determined that text messaging is now a greater risk and a greater cause of auto fatalities than drunk driving. Read More