Prescription Drug Safety Results | Wall Huntington | Wichita KS

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    Prescription Drug Safety Results


    Tina Huntington represented a client who suffered a severe reaction to a routine influenza (flu) shot. Within hours of receiving the shot in his left upper, the client’s arm and hand began to swell. By day two, he developed bilateral shoulder pain. The patient’s joint pain and swelling continued to progress. He was eventually diagnosed with inflammatory (rheumatoid) arthritis. The patient had no history of this type of arthritis prior to the flu shot. The treatment of choice for the patient’s condition was methotrexate and prednisone which carry significant risk of lymphoma. The patient was later diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which ultimately took his life. A claim was made on behalf of the patient and his wife through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which resulted in a confidential settlement., The VICP allows people injured by vaccines and immunizations to receive compensation, without having to prove who was at fault for the injury. Claims are brought to the Federal Court of Claims, by attorneys admitted to practice in that special court. If you believe you or a loved one have been injured by a vaccine or immunization please give us a call.

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    Larry Wall represented a woman addicted by her doctor to the pain killer Stadol ®. Mr. Wall filed suit in Topeka, Kansas, against the doctor and the pharmacist. The doctor and the pharmacist were also in business together which was unethical. Their “business” goal was to sell as much Stadol® as possible. The woman’s husband hired Larry Wall.  Larry Wall obtained an Order to have the woman committed for drug treatment. After treatment she and Wall filed suit and the case settled for $515,000.00.  The doctor lost his license after the Board of Healing Arts was notified by Larry Wall.

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    Assistant United States Attorney Tanya Treadway dedicated more than five years to the criminal prosecution of a Haysville, Kansas, physician and his wife on 34 criminal counts including illegal distribution of controlled substances, conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud resulting in death, and money laundering. The practices of the doctor and his wife lead to over 176 patient drug overdoses, bodily injuries, and 68 deaths. On the eve of trial in February, 2009, a federal judge significantly reduced the case, limiting it to four patients. Ms. Treadway prevailed on appeal and successfully prosecuted the case, obtaining Guilty verdicts for both defendants from a jury after an eight week trial. Her commitment and dedication obtained a result that will help to ensure the safety of patients and consumers across Kansas and the United States.

    In addition to the federal prosecution numerous wrongful death actions were brought by the heirs of the victims of Dr. Schneider. Larry Wall and Tina Huntington had the opportunity to assist several of those families. On December 30, 2012, Larry Wall was honored to receive the Kansas Association of Justice “Distinguished Practice Award” for his tireless efforts on behalf of families impacted by the reckless practices of Dr. Schneider.

    Larry Wall represented the heirs of Kandace B. who died as a result of an accidental drug over dose on 11-14-2003. She was the mother of two children. She was a patient at the Schneider Clinic from 07-10-03 until 11-12-03. She died from an accidental drug over dose two days after her last appointment. Larry Wall received a report from Dr. Steven Richeimer of the University of Southern California. As a result of the report of Dr. Richeimer the case was settled with the provision that the amount of the settlement remain confidential.

    Larry Wall represented the husband of Patricia G. who died as a result of an accidental drug over dose. The medications had been prescribed at the Schneider Clinic in Haysville, Kansas. Patricia had been a patient at the clinic from February 1, 2003 through June 20, 2005. Larry Wall obtained an expert report from Dr. Graves Owen an expert who had volunteered to help Dr. Schneider before this lady’s death occurred. As a result of the discovery of Dr. Owens and the submission of his report the case settled for a confidential amount.

    Larry Wall accepted the case of a patient that did not die from a drug overdose. Justin B. was a chronic pain patient CPP treated with chronic opioid therapy COT at the Schneider Clinic from October 19,2001 until September 12, 2005. As a result he became addicted to opioids. The addiction was no his fault. His addiction was caused by the Clinic’s greed and the carelessness of Dr. Schneider. He was later treated for the addiction caused by the over prescribing and was able to live without pain and without narcotics. He was referred to the, detox specialist by Larry Wall. The case was resolved after Larry Wall provided the reports of the addiction and detox specialist. The expert detoxified Justin with Suboxone ®. Wall Huntington Law Firm will help you or a loved one even if the addiction is ongoing. Treatments for narcotic addictions are available in Wichita, Kansas for nominal fees.

    Larry Wall represented the Estate and heirs of Jeff H. Jeff was 45 years old and was married and was the Father of two teen age daughters at the time he died. He was treated at the Schneider Clinic five times and on all visits he was provided narcotics. Larry Wall retained Dr. James Hay of the Seacoast Pain Institute, Dr. Graves T. Owen of the Texas Pain Rehabilitation Institute. His death was caused by the treatment he received at the Schneider Clinic. He was last treated on 12-08-2004. He died from the effects of the drugs he received from the Schneider Clinic three days after he was found unresponsive at work the evening of 12-27-04. The case settled after a Motion for Punitive Damages was filed.

    Larry Wall & Tina Huntington represented the heirs of Lucy S. in a lawsuit for her wrongful death. She was a patient of the Schneider Clinic from 8-29-03 til 8-23-07. She died from a accidental drug overdose on 8-29-07 just six days after her last visit to the clinic. The lawsuit claimed that Dr. Stephen Schneider and his Schneider Clinic LLC. were both responsible for the actions of Connie White PA and Dr. Lawrence Simon. Both White and Simon lost their licenses to practice the healing arts. Lucy was happily married with five loving children at the time of her death. The case settled after one day of court ordered mediation for a confidential amount.

    Larry Wall & Tina Huntington represented the heirs of Tina R. who was a chronic pain patient (CPP) of Dr. Stephen Schneider at his Schneider Clinic in Haysville, Kansas from 6-10-2004 through 11-23-2005. She was treated with chronic, opioid therapy (COT). She also suffered from a severe mental illness. Her son and daughter were so concerned that she was suicidal that they both accompanied her on her last visit to the clinic. They expressed concern to Dr. Schneider however he assured them she was not suicidal without performing an tests or a psychological examination. She committed suicide four days after her last visit to the clinic. The drugs prescribed to her by Dr. Schneider on the last visit were known to increase the risk of suicide.

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